Friday, June 27, 2008

Sleepy driver may as well be drunk (part 2)

Signs that you're too tired to drive:
-Poor concentration
-Tired or sore eyhes
-Slow reactions
-Boredom and irritability
-Missing road signs
-Making fewer and larger steering corrections
-Finding it hard to stay in the lane

Tips to stay alert at wheel
-Make sure that you've had adequate sleep before you set off
-Plan to drive during day, not during normal sleeping hours
-Have a rest break at least once every two hours, more often if you find yourself getting sleepy
-If you do begin feel sleepy or notice any of the telltale signs we've listed, stop and nap for up to 40 minutes.
-Use caffine judiciously: keep it for when tiredness sets in but dont rely on it.
-Eat sensibly during the journey and avoid large meals.
-Where possible, share the driving load
-Avoid consuming alcohol immediately before and during your journey.

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